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Tough penalty for doping cyclists,

5 years suspension of cycling coach

Based on the report by Iran NADO, cyclist with doping suspension for 5 years could not coach after the end of their suspension.

Deputy secretary general of Iran NADO,Dr.Farzad Sharaki stated: this matter is different for cycling so, transgressed cyclist could not be coach for five years after the end of his/her deprivation.

Dr.Sharaki added: according to the World Cycling Union the rules of the union are as follows if any cyclist commits a doping offence for 5 years has no right to coach, in this regards, we announced this is the law of the World Cycling Union & must be observed and this law is just for cycling and no for other sports.


11:36 - 29/05/2022    /    Number : 1735    /    Show Count : 559